- Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement (BANTA) (323) - Identifying the most favorable outcome if negotiations fail, serving as a reference point during negotiations.
- Birth Lottery (324) - Recognizing the role of chance in determining one's circumstances at birth and its impact on opportunities in life.
- Boiling Frog (325) - An analogy describing gradual change or adaptation to negative situations due to slow or imperceptible adjustments.
- Circle of Competence (326) - Limiting decision-making and action to areas of expertise or understanding, avoiding ventures beyond one's abilities.
- Counterfactual Thinking (327) - Imagining alternative outcomes or scenarios to better understand the causes and consequences of events.
- Divergent Thinking vs. Convergent Thinking (328) - Exploring multiple solutions or possibilities (divergent) versus narrowing down to the best option (convergent).
- First Principles Thinking (329) - Breaking down complex problems into fundamental truths or components, guiding original and creative thinking.
- Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset (330) - Believing abilities are fixed versus believing they can be developed through effort and learning.
- Foxes vs. Hedgehogs (331) - Having a broad, adaptable mindset (fox) versus a narrow, specialized focus (hedgehog) in problem-solving.
- Framing (332) - Presenting information in a way that influences perception or decision-making by emphasizing certain aspects.
- Gateway Drug Theory (333) - The concept that small, initial steps can lead to greater involvement or commitment to a particular activity.
- Grey Thinking (334) - Acknowledging uncertainty and complexity rather than viewing issues in black-and-white terms.
- Hydra Effect (335) - Attempting to solve a problem but inadvertently creating more problems or complexities in the process.
- Idea Maze (336) - Navigating through a complex web of ideas or possibilities to reach a solution or understanding.
- Institutional Knowledge (337) - Understanding the unwritten rules, norms, and practices within organizations or systems.
- Joy's law (338) - The observation that "no matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else."
- Just World Hypothesis (339) - Believing that people get what they deserve, leading to attributions of justice or blame for events.
- Lateral Thinking (340) - Approaching problems from unconventional angles or perspectives to find innovative solutions.
- Lindy Effect (341) - The longer something has existed or persisted, the longer it's likely to continue existing or persisting.
- Luck Surface Area (342) - Increasing the likelihood of success by exposing oneself to opportunities or by increasing attempts.
- Manager's Schedule vs. Maker's Schedule (343) - Distinguishing between time management approaches for managers (meetings) versus makers (deep work).
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (344) - A theory of human motivation ranking needs in a hierarchy, from basic physiological needs to self-actualization.
- Metcalfe's Law (345) - The value of a network grows with the square of the number of its users, emphasizing network effects.
- Murphy's Law (346) - Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, highlighting the inevitability of errors or mishaps.
- OODA Loop (347) - Observe, Orient, Decide, Act: A decision-making process emphasizing agility and adaptability.
- Paradigm Shift (348) - A fundamental change in underlying assumptions or practices, leading to a transformation in perspective.
- Perfect is the Enemy of Good (349) - Pursuing perfection can impede progress or completion, advocating for satisfactory solutions over ideal ones.
- Peter Principle (350) - Individuals rise to their level of incompetence within hierarchies, often being promoted based on past success.
- Probabilistic Thinking (351) - Considering probabilities and uncertainties when making decisions or predictions, rather than absolutes.
- Reframe the Problem (352) - Changing the perspective or framing of a problem to facilitate alternative solutions or insights.
- Regression Fallacy (353) - Assuming a current trend or situation will continue indefinitely, disregarding regression to the mean.
- Scenario Analysis (354) - Exploring multiple potential future scenarios and their implications for decision-making.
- Second/Third Order Thinking (355) - Considering the indirect or long-term consequences of actions beyond immediate effects (second/third order).
- Semmelweis Reflex (356) - Rejecting new evidence or knowledge because it contradicts established beliefs or practices.
- Simultaneous Invention (357) - The independent discovery or creation of similar ideas or inventions by different individuals or groups.
- Spacing Effect (358) - Learning and memory are improved by distributing study or practice sessions over time rather than cramming.
- Strategy vs. Tactics (359) - Differentiating between long-term planning and short-term execution or maneuvers to achieve objectives.
- The 5 Whys (360) - Iteratively asking "why" to uncover the root cause of a problem or issue, typically requiring five iterations.
- The Map is not the Territory (361) - Recognizing that models or representations are not reality itself, but simplifications or interpretations.
- Thought Experiment (362) - Mental exercises exploring hypothetical situations or scenarios to gain insights or test theories.
- Top of Your Mind (363) - Keeping important tasks or information easily accessible or prioritized for attention and action.
- Unknown Unknowns (364) - Factors or risks that are not recognized or anticipated, leading to unforeseen consequences or challenges.
- Utilitarianism (365) - The ethical principle that actions should be judged by their utility or ability to maximize overall happiness.